Openwork balls and Christmas trees made of threads - simple and effective!

How to make a Christmas tree from paper and cardboard

To begin, take thick paper or cardboard and draw a circle on it. Then cut out this circle and cut the radius of the circle on one side.

Roll the circle into a cone and glue the edges of the radius together. The base for the Christmas tree is ready. Now you need to wrap the cardboard base with cling film. This must be done tightly and carefully so that no pieces of cellophane stick out.

Now you need to take the threads and dip them in PVA glue. Those craftsmen who already have a full hand take a glue bottle, fold the threads inside, fill it with glue, then thread the end of the thread with a needle through the cone-shaped cap. Thus, after watching the master class, you will see that the thread can be pulled together with glue, which significantly saves time.

Now you need to start wrapping the base with thread dipped in glue. Start wrapping from the wide side of the base, gradually moving up. The threads need to be crossed with each other, thereby forming a Christmas tree with a pattern like a cobweb.

When you decide that wrapping is enough, set your Christmas tree to dry. In a day our New Year's craft will be ready. You need to take out the cardboard or paper cone and carefully remove the cling film from our Christmas tree.

You can decorate the Christmas tree with small beads, unnecessary chains, and “rains” of shiny threads. You can also make Christmas balls from threads. If you want the Christmas tree to sparkle and twinkle, you can attach garlands with small light bulbs inside.

Herringbone topiary

Currently, topiary is gaining more and more popularity.
By topiary we mean a fantasy and unusual tree of ideal shape. It can have a round crown, cone-shaped or heart-shaped. Such trees look beautiful in the interior and can also serve as an original gift. To create a Christmas tree you need to make a topiary in the shape of a cone. The result should be a funny Christmas tree of an interesting and unusual shape with a curved top reminiscent of a gnome's cap.

To make this craft you will need:

  • Cardboard cone.
  • Threads.
  • PVA glue.
  • Newspapers and green paper.
  • Glue "Moment-crystal".
  • Scissors.
  • Thick wire.
  • A glass of yogurt.
  • A piece of burlap.
  • Holofiber, padding polyester or other filler.
  • Construction plaster or alabaster.

First you need to make a cone out of paper soaked in water with the addition of PVA glue.
Then you need to wrap the wire in several layers in the shape of a carrot. Each layer should be thoroughly dried to ensure everything is thoroughly dry. First you need to bend the wire, twist it and make a loop at the end. The last top layer of paper should be green so that the white color of the paper does not show through the threads.

You need to make a hole at the bottom and insert a stick or pencil pre-lubricated with glue into it, which will serve as the trunk of the tree.

Then you should start wrapping the cone with yarn at the stem and up to the tip. The base should be coated well with Moment glue. You need to wrap the cone in a circle and the entire wire to the very top of the head.

In order to make a pot, you should cut off a yogurt cup and cover it with any thick fabric. Then you need to dilute alabaster or building plaster with water in a separate container to the state of liquid sour cream and pour it into the pot, and also install the Christmas tree there. You need to hold the Christmas tree until the plaster or alabaster dries, this will only take a few minutes.

Now you can decorate the tree to your liking, and the Christmas tree is ready.

A DIY Christmas tree made from thread and glue will be an excellent holiday gift for family and friends. She will be able to perfectly decorate the interior and bring a little magic and festive mood to it.

How to make a Christmas tree from scrap materials

For those who do not trust cardboard and film, we can offer a more reliable option. For this we need:

  • Thick plastic folder
  • Scotch
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Threads
  • Christmas tree decorations
  • Container for glue

Step-by-step master class

You need to cut a circle out of a folder, make a cone out of it, as in the first method, and secure it with tape. Then, following the instructions, wrap the base with threads. To make the tree look more interesting and beautiful, you can use threads of different shades of green and wind them alternately.

After our Christmas tree is dry, you can free it from the conical base and start decorating. Cut out small snowflakes from paper can also serve as decoration. They can be glued to the tree with the same glue. You can make small Christmas tree balls from pearl beads and also attach them to the New Year's beauty.

The main thing is not to overload the product, otherwise it may become unstable and fall. Try to match all decorations to the size and weight of the tree.

Such a tree can be placed in the office on the table to give the work interior a New Year's mood, or at home in the kitchen so that bulky decorations do not interfere with cooking.

Second method

This method involves using a plastic cone to make a base. You can buy it at an arts and crafts store or make it from a plastic folder. Manufacturing is done in the same way as making a paper cone. Randomly wind a thread moistened with PVA glue onto the finished base.

Additionally, lubricate the workpiece with glue and dry. Carefully remove from cone. Another option will require a cardboard cone. If you wrap such a base in foil, then after drying the product will very easily be removed from the cone.

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Lush Christmas tree made of yarn

If such Christmas trees seem too flimsy and fragile to you, then you can make a Christmas tree from a denser material. In addition, such a tree will not be transparent and will look more like a real New Year's beauty.

For a more plausible option, we will need:

  • Grass yarn (or shag yarn)
  • PVA glue
  • Whatman paper or cardboard
  • White gouache
  • Scissors
  • Cling film

Master class on making

Cut a circle from whatman paper or cardboard. Moreover, the larger the circle is drawn and cut, the larger the cone will be. Therefore, the tree will be larger.

Secure the cone well with glue or tape and wrap it with cling film. Next, you need to dip the “shaggy” yarn in glue and wind it around the cone. You should know that these threads cannot be wound randomly, otherwise the tree will lose its shape. The thread must be wound strictly horizontally from bottom to top. Thus, we will get a beautiful, neat and lush Christmas tree.

Leave the wound yarn to dry for one or two days, then remove the cone. In order to depict snow powder on a Christmas tree, you can paint its threads sticking out like needles with white gouache. This must be done carefully so that the “needles” do not stick together. You will get a wonderful Christmas tree in the snow.

Now you can start decorating the New Year's tree. New Year's "rain", beads of different colors, snowflakes cut out of paper are also suitable for decorations. At the bottom of the Christmas tree you can put a little cotton wool or padding polyester, which perfectly imitate snowdrifts.

Christmas tree made of threads - method 3

If such trees seem too boring for you, then you can make another Christmas tree. To do this you need:

  • Yarn of various densities
  • Base from a large spool of thread
  • Thick cardboard
  • PVA glue
  • Hot glue
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Small flower pot
  • Balloons

Manufacturing instructions

  1. Make a cone, as in previous cases, and glue a circle with a diameter equal to the diameter of its largest base to its wide side. Thus, we get a cone that is closed on all sides. Let's put it aside.
  2. Now we need to make balls of the same size from threads. To do this, wrap the threads, dipped in PVA glue, onto slightly inflated balloons. You will get small balls of thread.
  3. You need to leave them to dry. After drying, you need to glue all the finished balls of thread to the cone to form a Christmas tree. You can glue Christmas tree cones between the balls.
  4. The resulting Christmas tree must be glued with hot glue to the base of the spool of thread. This will be the tree trunk. The finished tree can be planted in a flower pot, decorated with snowflakes, “rain” and placed on a shelf.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to make a Christmas tree from improvised materials, the main thing is that you are in the New Year’s mood!

Method No. 1

To make a Christmas tree from threads and PVA glue on a cardboard cone, use detailed step-by-step instructions. So, to get the job done you will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard;
  • Compass;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Green threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • Brush for applying glue.

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First you need to make a cardboard base in the shape of a cone. To do this, you can simply roll a sheet of cardboard into a ball and trim the bottom edge:

Or use the second method indicated in the diagram:

To do this, draw a circle on a sheet of cardboard using a compass or circle any round object (plate, lid). Next, the circle needs to be divided into four parts. If you want to get a short and wide Christmas tree, remove one sector of the circle. If it is medium in height and width, the circle needs to be divided in half. If the Christmas tree is planned to be small and narrow, make it from a quarter circle.

Glue the finished cone along the side seam with glue.

It is better not to use a stapler, because during the drying process the staples may oxidize, and rust from them will stain the threads.

When the base is ready, you can start working. Place a plastic bag on the base, this will make it easier to remove the finished Christmas tree, because the threads can stick to the cardboard. Wrap a thread moistened with PVA glue randomly around a conical base. Using a brush, generously coat the resulting workpiece with glue. The next stage is drying the product. It should be carried out in a warm and well-ventilated place. After making sure that the Christmas tree is completely dry, you need to remove it from the base. To do this, carefully rotate it around its axis. The Christmas tree made from threads and PVA glue is ready. All that remains is to decorate it to your liking.

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