Crafts for children 6 years old - interesting ideas, useful tips, beautiful photo examples

Paper crafts for children 4 years old

Children from 4 years old are already able to make crafts with their own hands. By this age, many are familiar with geometric shapes. We suggest making an applique with a mouse. You'll need:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • Glue and scissors
  • A piece of yarn
  • Felt pen

Many interesting ideas for creating homemade products can be found on the website:

To get a circle, trace a small plate with a felt-tip pen. Let the child cut it out. Cut in half and form the body. We draw ears - let the child cut them out himself.
Let's start assembling the application. First, we put all the details on a sheet of cardboard, showing the child what the mouse will look like. Let the child apply glue to the workpiece, turn it over and glue it.

If it’s not straight, correct it. Glue on the ears and tail. Draw the nose, mustache and eyes. Your little mouse is ready.

We recommend reading:

Application with a ship. Required:

  1. Sheet of white cardboard
  2. Colored paper
  3. Glue and scissors

Draw the details of the ship on paper. Ask your child to cut them out with scissors, help if you can’t do it. Place the details on the cardboard. The child will put them together into a composition on his own; if it doesn’t work out, give him a hint.

Glue the parts to the cardboard in the following order: hull, sail, portholes and sea. The ship is ready.

Preparatory group. Senior preschool age. Children 6-7 years old

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Goals and objectives: Educational: 1. to develop the ability to follow oral instructions;
2. teach various techniques for working with paper ;
3. introduce children to basic geometric concepts:,... Master class “Paper Balls” for children of senior preschool age This master class is intended for children of senior preschool age, additional education teachers, educators and creative people who like to create beautiful crafts with their own hands . Purpose: the work can be used as interior decoration,…

Making a snail

You will need:

  • Plasticine
  • Modeling board

Roll a sausage out of a piece of plasticine and twist it into a spiral. Roll another sausage of a different color in a smaller size. Take a piece of plasticine. Knead it in your hands and roll the ball for your head.

We assemble the craft: attach the head to the sausage, and sculpt a shell on the back. We sculpt eyes, nose, horns. Stick it in place. The snail is ready.

Interesting crafts with children

Deer of their carved hands and feet. Your little one will definitely love this craft.

You will need:
We recommend reading:

  • Crafts for children 11 years old - 75 fun ideas for crafts that you can do yourself (100 photos + instructions + master class)

  • Crafts for children 5 years old - the best ideas for creating beautiful paper crafts, more than 120 photo options and beautiful design

  • DIY crafts for kindergarten - review of the best crafts for kindergarten (TOP 100 photo ideas)

  1. Colored cardboard – 1 pack
  2. Colored paper
  3. Felt pen
  4. Glue and scissors

Trace your child's hands and feet on a piece of cardboard. Now yours. Cut it out. Glue the palms in the form of horns onto the foot. Cut out and glue the eyes, nose and mouth, or you can draw them with a felt-tip pen. The finished craft can be pasted as an applique on a sheet of cardboard or glued to a string and hung on the wall.

Paper and cardboard crafts

The simplest and most attractive paper craft for 6-year-old children can be made from colored paper or soft cardboard:

  • simple applications;
  • three-dimensional figures;
  • use of semicircles.

Paper and cardboard can be replaced with cotton pads or natural materials such as dried leaves or flowers.

Educational crafts for children

To make a pasta tree you will need:

  • Bow-shaped pasta
  • Paints and brush
  • Glue and scissors
  • Sheet of cardboard

Draw the trunk and branches of a tree on a piece of cardboard for your child. Show me how to glue pasta to cardboard. Let the child do this on his own. When the glue dries, take paints with a brush and paint the pasta in different colors. The craft is ready.

Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old

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Master class on paper crafts “Bear in the North” for middle school children

paper craft
master class “Bear in the North”

. The idea of ​​creating this charming bear was suggested to me by my children when we were getting acquainted with the animals of the North. When I asked what kind of animal they would like to make, most chose white...

Easy crafts for kids

Not all children aged 4 years can independently cut with scissors and sculpt from plasticine. If your child is just learning this, don't overwhelm him. Let the learning process be easy and free.

The most important thing is not to discourage the desire to create and work with your hands. In order to increase the child’s self-confidence, we suggest making easy crafts that any child can handle.

Paper crafts - Crafts master class in the middle group for children 4–5 years old “Paper sunflowers”

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Master class on paper crafts in the middle group “Crab”

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Paper plate dog.

Required materials and tools:

  • Paper plate – 1 pc.
  • Paints and brush
  • Colored paper
  • Glue and scissors
  • Felt pen
  • Self-adhesive eyes (you can cut out paper ones or draw with a felt-tip pen)

Before starting work, explain to your child that all ordinary things can have a different purpose if you show creativity and imagination. For example, an ordinary plate can become a dog.

Paint part of the muzzle with brown paint. While the plate is drying, cut out ears from colored paper and glue them on. Draw the nose and mouth. Glue the eyes. Cut and glue the eyebrows. The dog is ready.

Paper vase

For paper greetings you will need thick cardboard and plasticine.

First you need to cut a vase from one piece of cardboard. You can draw the template yourself or copy it from the Internet. If the cardboard is beautiful, then you can immediately glue it onto the base, which will become the second sheet of cardboard.

Or decorate the sheets first to make paper crafts for 7 year olds more elegant. You can carefully glue beautiful colored paper onto the blanks.

For the base, you can take a lid from a shoe box. This will create a picture in a frame.
When the preparatory stage is completed, we begin creating the bouquet.

We recommend reading:

  • Crafts made from twine are original and interesting uses for twine. 125 photos and video descriptions of ideas

  • Crafts from foamiran: master class, diagrams, examples and step-by-step guide from experts on how to make crafts from foamiran

  • Crafts made from colored paper - examples and step-by-step master class for children and adults (95 photos and videos)

To do this, cut the plasticine into small pieces, which we roll into thin strips. We form spirals from these strips. The more similar spirals there are, the more magnificent the bouquet will become.

Now we transfer the resulting roses to cardboard, carefully attach them and decorate the craft with green leaves made from plasticine, cut from colored paper or fabric.

Instead of plasticine, you can use toilet paper rolls, which are cut into thin strips, slightly compressed at the edges to form petals, and painted with gouache. The centers of the petals can be filled with strips of sleeves folded in half or with beautiful beads.

Crafts from cotton pads for children 4 years old

Cotton pads are very widely used in crafts. We will tell you how to make a caterpillar.


  1. 5 cotton pads
  2. Ear stick
  3. Sheet of cardboard
  4. Colored paper
  5. Glue and scissors

We draw the grass in the form of triangles and invite the child to cut it out. Glue it. We glue cotton pads one on top of the other in the form of a caterpillar. We cut the ear stick in half and glue it to the cardboard, hiding the ends behind a cotton pad, these will be antennae. All that remains is to cut out the mouth and eyes and glue them on. The caterpillar is ready.

Children love chickens very much. Invite your child to make their own applique.


  • Cotton pads (the quantity depends on your desire)
  • Sheet of cardboard
  • Felt pen
  • Colored paper or paints
  • Scissors and glue

Glue cotton pads onto the cardboard in any order. Using a felt-tip pen, draw legs, eyes and a mouth for each chicken.

The comb can be cut out of colored paper or by dipping the child’s finger into the paint and making an imprint on the cardboard. Draw food next to each chicken or glue real cereal. The craft is ready.

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Paper construction in the middle group “Boat”

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Photos of crafts for children 4 years old



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